The Council of Creative Unions of Latvia implements a project supported by the European Union

National Development Plan 2020 - European Regional Development Fund of the European Union - Investment in your future (image)

The Council of Creative Unions of Latvia has made an agreement (No. with the Central Financial Contracts Agency for the implementation of the project, which will take place within the framework of the 13.1.4. first selection round of project submissions "Support for professional non-governmental cultural sector organizations" of the specific support goal "Recovery measures in the field of culture".

Project financing: ERDF funds are 79.615% of eligible expenses, not exceeding EUR 8,627.41; from the state budget – 20.385% of eligible expenses, not exceeding EUR 2,209.01.

The contract is implemented until December 31, 2023.

The contract was concluded on the basis of the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations of December 20, 2022 no. 808 "Measures to mitigate the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic" of the priority direction of the action program "Growth and employment" 13.1.4. the implementation regulations of the specific support objective "Recovery measures in the field of culture" of the first selection round of project submissions "Support for professional non-governmental organizations in the cultural sector", regulatory acts of the EU and the Republic of Latvia on the management of EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund and the decision of the Cooperation Institution of June 12, 2023 No. 39-2-60/3812 on the approval of the project application "Support for the activity of the Council of Creative Unions of Latvia" (hereinafter - the Project) and opinion No. 39-2-60/4556 of July 17, 2023 on the fulfillment of the conditions contained in the decision.

Project name: Support for the activity of the Council of Creative Unions of Latvia

The purpose of the project: The purpose of the project is to provide support for the international cooperation of the cultural non-governmental organization "Council of Creative Unions of Latvia", which was negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic - within the framework of this project, promoting the circulation of information with other countries about the social and economic interests and rights of creative persons in the policies implemented there in defense, thereby promoting the transfer of good practice to Latvia as well.
